Healthy Back to School Dental Hygiene Habits for Kids
The end of summer is here and the kids are heading back-to-school. Friendly Smiles Dental Care wants to make sure your student has the tools necessary to leave the house with a healthy mouth. A dental exam is equally as important as booster shots according, but it will take some teamwork with your family dentist to make sure your child aces that exam. In addition to the list of school supplies needed, our back-to-school dental checklist of dental hygiene habits below will help your student have the best smile possible in their school pictures.
The Friendly Smiles Checklist for Back-to-School Dental Success
- Healthy and nutritious lunches: Whether your child brings a lunch from home or eats lunch in the cafeteria there are steps to take to make sure they’re having a balanced meal in the middle of the day. For kids who eat lunches from the school’s cafeteria, we suggest reviewing the food choices before school begins so your child can make informed decisions. When preparing lunches to bring from home we understand the need for portable options, and suggest the following: fruits, raw vegetables, cheese, and yogurt. Providing alternatives to soft drinks with high sugar content, such as water and juices, are also great choices.
- Brushing and flossing every morning: Before leaving for school and before bed each night, your child should be brushing with fluoride toothpaste, and flossing. Making this a daily habit is crucial for your child’s dental success. When shopping for school supplies like pencils and paper we suggest stocking up on toothpaste and floss to get this dental hygiene habbit started right away. For an easy way to remember when to change your child’s toothbrush we recommend doing so whenever report cards are sent home. Of course, if your child becomes ill we suggest changing toothbrushes as well.
- Routine dental exams: What happens during a dental exam? Dental exams give our gentle dental team a chance to advise you and your child on potential areas of improvement in your dental hygiene routine. Regular visits are vital to treat existing dental issues or prevent potential problems. It may not always be obvious to parents or teachers of a dental issue, which is why we recommend regular check-ups.
- Physical Education and Organized Sports: For children who participate in school sports or extracurricular activities, we also strongly suggest properly fitted mouth-guards. A fitted mouth-guard helps to mitigate serious dental injury, as well as saving you money by preventing costly cosmetic dentistry work.